Lemington Consulting Giving Back to the Community
We at Lemington Consulting believe that giving back to communities in which we live is important. By contributing to worthy causes
we believe we are creating a better community and a more attractive business climate. Below are just some of the ways in which our staff
has helped others in community, civic and professional organizations.
- Tutored students on math, science and other subjects
- Volunteering to mentor children through the Big Brothers Big Sister Association
- Acting as a member of the Board of Directors of the Big Brothers/Big Sisters Association including participation in numerous fund raising events, including one at a New Jersey state prison that offered inmates the ability to raise funds for the organization
- Volunteering as board members to various industry organizations including the Society of Automotive Engineers
- Volunteering as a teaching assistant helping other students
- Volunteering through social organizations to do chartible work in and around the cities where we work
- Volunteering to work on the Education Committee of the Downtown Council of the Jacksonville Regional Chamber of Commerce developing ideas and plans for assisting a local public magnate school
- Volunteering as a board member of the Jacksonville Information Technology Council (JITC)
- Donating blood through the Florida/Georgia Blood Alliance
- Volunteering in the schools for Junior Achievement
- Donating food and clothing to local charities
- Volunteering to serve meals at a local food bank
- Active in numerous Internet newsgroups volunteering time to assist hundreds of computer users solve their computer issues